Eucalyptus Therapeutic Essential Oil

When people think of essential oils, they tend to envision the relaxing light and rejuvenating scent of candles or the luxurious treatments available at day spas. It is true that essential oils are perfect for creating a calming, relaxing atmosphere. But they are imbued with so many other wonderful and therapeutic benefits. Here at Goddess of Spring, LLC, we understand that better than anyone. That is why we take such pride and care in bringing you high-quality essential oils from Primavera Life. Our selection of oils is vast, and each has its own traits and uses. Today we’d like to outline some of the great benefits of eucalyptus essential oil.
About Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus is a diverse collection of flowering shrubs and trees. When most people hear the word eucalyptus they envision cute koalas feasting on leaves. However eucalyptus trees are not found only in Australia; they are also native to the Philippines, New Guinea, and Indonesia. Eucalyptus trees grow quickly and reach great heights, and many yield valuable timber. Their leaves are leathery in texture, and have glands that contain the fragrant, volatile oil.
About Eucalyptus Oil
Eucalyptus oil is obtained from the leaves of the eucalyptus tree. The leaves are dried, crushed, and then the oil is released through the distillation process. This oil is valuable in a number of ways and has a variety of therapeutic benefits.
Hair Nourishment: Similar to olive and coconut oil, eucalyptus essential oil is a great tool for fighting off dandruff and dry hair. It has also been shown to be an effective treatment for lice in the place of harsh and harmful chemical treatments.
Cough Relief: For many years now, eucalyptus has been one of the key ingredients in cough syrups and medications. Part of the reason why it helps to alleviate coughs and cold symptoms is that it is a natural expectorant, cleansing the body of mucus that is home to germs and bacteria. A few drops in a diffuser will release the oil into the air and help clear sinuses and chests, allowing for easier breathing and relief.
Treating Wounds: Legend has it that an English settler in Australia nearly severed his thumb with an ax. When the doctor wrapped his tended digit with eucalyptus leaves, his wounds were healed better and faster than had ever been seen before. While this is most likely an old wives’ tale, there is a kernel of truth to the idea that eucalyptus can help in the healing of wounds. It is naturally antimicrobial and antiseptic, two properties that are effective in the treatment of minor burns, abrasions, cuts, and others (keep in mind that “minor” is the keyword; for serious injuries, please seek medical attention right away).
Don’t wait to experience the rejuvenating and relaxing benefits of Eucalyptus essential oil. Shop our collection of Primavera Organic Essential Oils today!